Always ask what you may have done differently when something goes wrong; blaming and excuses only perpetuate personal ignorance and thwart growth and wisdom.
Its always easier to find fault in things and people than to look within to see what you may have done wrongly or what you might have done better. One of the truths about this world is that nature will never change for us, so if we want to succeed at reaching our goals we have to change ourselves when our first attempts at getting to our goals might not work. This is not only true about the natural world, it is also true about our dealings with people. Hardly anyone is willing to change themselves so that we don’t have to go to the trouble of changing ourselves when there are problems between us.
When we accept the attitude that the best way to live in this world is to constantly seek better ways by which to manage or solve our problems by changing ourselves, we start finding that life can be more manageable, and we can get and enjoy more things. Every time we do make a change in ourselves that works better with whatever challenges us, we learn more about other people or the world and gain more wisdom of life. We also find that in being open to self-change, excuses and blaming lose any meaning or importance in our lives.
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